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Pepsi Fruit Juice Flood: A sticky marketing mishap [Video]

Online Marketing

Pepsi Fruit Juice Flood: A sticky marketing mishap #pepsi

The Pepsi Fruit Juice Flood refers to a marketing mishap by PepsiCo in 1992, when the company attempted to promote its fruit juice products in the Philippines. As part of a promotional campaign, Pepsi offered a chance to win cash prizes to customers who found a winning number under the cap of their juice bottles.

However, the promotion quickly turned disastrous when a misprint led to thousands of winning caps being distributed, far more than Pepsi had intended. This led to a frenzy as customers flooded stores to claim their prizes, resulting in chaos and even violence as people fought over the winning bottles.

The situation escalated further when Pepsi attempted to backtrack and void the winning caps, leading to outrage and protests from customers who felt cheated. In the end, Pepsi was forced to honor the prizes, resulting in significant financial losses for the company.

The Pepsi Fruit Juice Flood serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of careful planning and execution in marketing campaigns, as well as the potential consequences of miscommunication and mismanagement. #pepsi #fruitjuice #phillipines

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