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Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript | Web Development For Beginners Batch 24 (Lecture 3) [Video]

Website Design

Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript | Web Development For Beginners Batch 24 (Lecture 3)

Welcome to the ultimate “Web Development for Beginners” playlist! 🚀 Whether you will Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this curated collection of tutorials is your gateway to the exciting world of web development. From HTML and CSS to JavaScript and beyond, we’ve got you covered!.

Web Development For Beginners:

🌐 1. Introduction to Web Development
Dive into the basics of web development, understanding the core technologies that power the internet. Get ready to embark on your coding journey!

🎨 2. HTML and CSS Fundamentals
Learn the building blocks of the web – HTML for structuring content and CSS for styling. Create stunning and responsive web pages with hands-on examples.

💻 3. JavaScript Essentials
Unleash the power of JavaScript! Explore the fundamentals of programming, learn about variables, loops, and functions, and start adding interactivity to your websites.

🔗 4. DOM Manipulation
Discover the Document Object Model (DOM) and learn how to dynamically update your web pages using JavaScript. It’s time to make your websites come to life!

🚀 5. Responsive Web Design
Master the art of creating websites that look great on any device. Explore responsive design principles and CSS frameworks to ensure your projects are user-friendly.

⚙️ 6. Git and Version Control
Get acquainted with Git, a version control system widely used in the development community. Learn how to track changes, collaborate with others, and manage your projects efficiently.

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