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Gary Vaynerchuk is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong about media [Video]

Social Media Marketing

As Gary Vaynerchuk continues to dominate much of the debate on marketing around the globe, our branding columnist suggests he is wrong – repeatedly – about the respective value of TV and social media.

Every advertising era has its guru. From Thomas Barratt and the advent of modern outdoor advertising to David Ogilvy and the creation of effective print ads, Rosser Reeves and the emergence of TV commercials to Lester Wunderman and the turn toward direct marketing.

Media changes with the decades and so do the thought leaders that represent and promote them to marketers. Interestingly, each medium seems to also reflect its guru’s own personal positioning.

Barratt applied the flair for controversy that he prescribed for successful advertising to his own reputation. Wunderman’s clinical approach to media was reflected in the way he promoted himself and his firm. Ogilvy made his own personal narrative as absorbing as anything he …

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