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Church marketing plan using sermon series connect with your city [Video]

Online Marketing

Church marketing plan using sermon series connect with your city

In this video, we share our church marketing plan to connect with your city using sermon series. The Awe of God is a sermon series we promoted for Pastor Paul in the fall. The series led up to Christmas and focused on God being worthy of worship.

We work with Riverside Church each month to serve as their communications team. Our monthly meeting looks ahead to what is happening in the church so our team can promote the events with graphic files.

The Awe of God series followed our predetermined promotion package for every sermon series.

Click below to see our services to serve as your branding agency to produce your church promotions.




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Podcast & blog: https://churchbrandguide.com/blog/

Connect with me:
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8t1G3bR_8jwZXMN4lpAXg
Schedule a call: https://churchbrandguide.com/contact-us/
Email me: michael@churchbrandguide.com

People judge a book by its cover and decide if they will come to your church based on what they see. You have to get your brand right, so you can bridge the gap between who you are and those you pursue.

Here’s the problem, you are a minister, not a brand specialist. You need a guide to help you get this right because it matters too much to have it wrong.

Logo Design
A great logo is an essential part of a brand because it is the thing that is seen the most. The design needs to be simple so it is sticky. In the course, I’ll show you how to get the proper logo.

The church website is the front door that people will visit first, so it needs to have a focused design for the user checking out the church for the first time.

Churches that clarify their message and build a healthy brand are the ones that thrive in their community.

Branding is about how people perceive you.
You cannot tell people what your brand is; they tell you what your brand is. All we can do is be intentional to present ourselves in a way that aligns with our mission.

What people understand quickly is what they will buy into.
When a church gets its brand right, they see new guests coming regularly, and they choose to join the church.

At Church Brand Guide, you’ll get coaching AND get your brand visuals created right with your logo, website, and facility signs.

Schedule a call: https://churchbrandguide.com/contact-us/

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