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Your Business Isn’t a Failure You Just Need More Time & More Numbers [Video]

Course Creator Marketing

Your Business Isn’t a Failure You Just Need More Time & More Numbers

Your Business Isn’t a Failure – You Just Need More Time & More Numbers

If you feel like you’re doing ALL of the things, but getting NOWHERE in your business – then first of all, you’re not alone!

Secondly – you’re NOT a big fat failure either.

Chances are, you just aren’t giving yourself enough time to get the right amount of numbers….

You see….

Growing a business is a numbers game and a time game.

Too often, business owners expect instant results and give up WAY too soon.

We call quits on growing our fairy forest, before the seeds have even had a chance to sprout.

Remember when you planted that little apple seed as a kid?

You watered it every day, hoping to see it grow.

Imagine yelling at it, “GROW FASTER!”, and getting mad at it because it didn’t???

Sounds silly, right?

Yet, we do the same with our businesses. 🌱🌳


Business growth needs patience.

You need to give it time to germinate, sprout, and grow strong.

Consistency, for a long LONG time is the ONLY way.

It’s not enough to put out a few social media posts and expect miracles.

Statistically, if you want one sale, you need at least 1,000 direct hot lead contacts.

It takes about 22 touch points before someone even considers ENGAGING with you – let alone BUYING from you. 📊📬

This doesn’t mean doom – it means strategising around actual REAL numbers.

So, don’t be discouraged if you’re not seeing instant success.

Keep nurturing your business, keep marketing to the right number of people, and keep it up long term.

The results will come with persistence and consistence.

👉 Reflect today: Are you giving your business the time it needs to grow? Are you reaching out enough? Do you know what your magic number is to market to to get YOUR sales numbers?


If you want to help to dive deeper into the numbers of your business and learn how to scale your business based on measurable stats instead of emotional overloads – then come and join the Legends Lab and let’s cultivate success together: www.sarahcordiner.com/legends 🌟


Remember, every big tree was once a small seed.

🌳 Keep watering, keep growing, and your business will flourish.

Sarah x

#Persistence #GrowthMindset #BusinessSuccess #EntrepreneurJourney #SarahCordiner #KeepGoing #edupreneur

Get your FREE Course Creation Starter Kit: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff

Sarah helps you create your own online courses and build a successful education-based business: www.sarahcordiner.com

Learn how to create your own profitable online courses, publish books, win at marketing and grow your own highly successful online business in my Edupreneur Academy: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy

Join my Facebook group: Entrepreneur to EDUpreneur Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entrepreneur2edupreneur/


Here are 5 ways that I can help you create and publish your online courses:

1. FREE Course Creation Starter Kit and business building resources: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff
2. My ‘Edupreneur Academy’: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
3. Group Coaching: www.sarahcordiner.com/c2c
4. I can help you create your course and set up your tech FOR you: www.sarahcordiner.com/services
5. Private call with me: www.sarahcordiner.com/booking

You can also email me on sarah@sarahcordiner.com.

Sarah’s Online Courses: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
Sarah’s Amazon Books: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018U7VRB0
Youtube: www.sarahcordiner.com/youtube
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahcordiner
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cordinersarah
Personal Web: www.sarahcordiner.com

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