Digital Marketing

Use Qualifiers to Boost Google Ads Performance [Video]

One sure fire way to boost the performance of your Google Ads campaigns is to strategically use keyword and creative qualifiers.

What are Qualifiers?

Qualifiers are words or short phrases that make your service or product more specific. For example, if you don’t service consumers then including the word “business” in keywords or “for businesses” in ad or asset copy will help guide the right audience to your website. And at the same time will help keep the wrong audience out.

Whether you place these in keywords (also called modifiers) or ads you should think of these as a filter to get the right people seeing and engaging with your ads. Using them in keywords will tend to lead to both higher CTRs and higher CVRs. Whereas using them in creatives will tend to lead to lower CTRs and higher CVRs.

The main types of qualifiers are…


  • In: [red shoes in store]
  • For: [shoes for men]
  • With: [shoes with …

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