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The Next Big Thing in Art Marketing w/ CEO of Art Storefronts [Video]


Brandon Carter: Welcome to the art marketing podcast. I’m Brandon, guest hosting for Pat on co-pilot stories. I’ve got a really exciting guest, a good friend of mine and a pioneer in the art marketing industry. I’ve got Nick Friends, CEO of Art Storefronts. Welcome, Nick.

Nick Friend:Thanks, Brandon. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the art marketing podcast. We’re excited to get into this conversation and wanted to chat with you today because you wrote an article on Art Marketing Co-Pilot called “The Next Big Thing in Art Sales: How the Co-Pilot Model Will Change the Game for Artists.” We’ll get to that here in a little bit, but for the listeners out there and maybe some folks that don’t know your background, you’ve been in the art business for decades almost, and you’ve seen a lot of major shifts happen. You’ve seen the ups and downs, and we’ve had …

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