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Teads Secret Aims to Level the Playing Field for the Open Internet Beet.TV [Video]

Video Content Marketing

LAS VEGAS — The open internet has become increasingly fragmented over the last decade. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Katie Secret, EVP of marketing at Teads (formerly Outbrain), described how the proliferation of channels, content types, and platforms has created a need for more holistic ad solutions that can show value across the entire media mix.

Outbrain combined with Teads on February 3, 2025, uniting two pioneers of native advertising. The combined team of 1,800 staff serves more than 20,000 advertisers and 10,000 publishers.

Secret told Julian Zilberbrand, CEO at Ivey Milton Consultants, that Outbrain’s algorithmic expertise can “level the playing field” on the open internet by using contextual and interest data to fuel an algorithm that can help advertisers predict and understand what people are likely to engage with across diverse channels.

Teads is amongst the ad-tech players aiming to bring the same level of predictive capability and value measurement to the …

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