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Scammers using latest AI technology to romance victims [Video]

Online Marketing

Leaders of USF’s Behavioral AI Lab say “generative AI” can create human-like prompts and adapt to responses. It is helping scammers expand their reach.

TAMPA, Fla. — This Valentine’s Day, romance scams are more sophisticated than ever. 

A romance scam is when criminals using fake online identities to gain trust and eventually steal money or personal information. Now, new technology is expanding their reach. 

Dr. Rob Hammond, Director of the Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation at USF Muma College of Business, said AI can be trained to act as a specific type of person using data collected by the intelligence. 

“This is what we call the prompt engineering part,” Hammond explained. “What kind of a person do you want to pretend to be?”

Hammond said “generative AI” can even curate conversations based on someone’s dating profile. 

“Now it knows the person is in their 30s, they like tennis and …

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