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Rails 3.0 beta features merger with Merb framework [Video]

Website Design

Among the features in the 3.0 upgrade is a new router with an emphasis on RESTful declarations as well as a new Action Mailer API and an Active Record chainable query language built on top of relational algebra.

“You thought we were never going to get to this day, didn’t you? Ye of little faith,” the blog post from Rails founder David Heinemeier Hansson said. “Because here is the first real, public release of Rails 3.0 in the form of a beta package that we’ve toiled long and hard over.”

“It’s surely not perfect yet, but we were out of blockers on the list, so here we go. Please give it a run around the block, try to update some old applications, try to start some new ones, and report back all the issues you find,” the post continued.

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