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Omnicoms Pagliuca On Adapting To The Evolution Of Search Beet.TV [Video]

Digital Marketing

LAS VEGAS — Search is changing — but so are the ad agencies that have long relied on the channel to reach audiences.

At CES, Omnicom announced partnerships with tech companies including the “granddaddy” of search, an indication that both sides are keen to evolve the opportunity.

In this video interview with Beet.TV editorial director Lisa Granatstein at Consumer Electronics Show, Megan Pagliuca, Chief Product Officer at Omnicom Media Group, outlined a slew of partnerships.

“We’re seeing search in many different places, rather than how we have traditionally thought about search,” Pagliuca said.

On Monday, OMG announced a new innovation with Google that provides access to a previously unavailable data feed containing brand and competitive keyword data.

This data can be combined with audience insights and AI agents to improve search performance and prepare for the future of search in AI overviews.

“This is both making search better as search …

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