Digital Marketing

Matt Lattman, Discover Financial Services Beet.TV [Video]

LAS VEGAS — With Google’s on-again, off-again cookie deprecation plans now having accelerated, the industry is swallowing a seismic shift.

On January 4, 2024, Google began rolling out Tracking Protection for 1% of a randomly-selected group of Chrome users, due to ramp-up through 2024.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Matt Lattman, SVP, Card Acquisition Marketing, Discover Financial Services, highlights the urgency of embracing change and the importance of customer consent in the evolving data privacy narrative.

Lattman pulls no punches in his assessment of the technology. “I’ve always thought the cookie is kind of a bad technology to start with,” he states.

For advertisers like Discover, the impending changes will affect everything from campaign setup to reporting and measuring. Lattman points, instead,  to a future built on partnerships and privacy-safe data use.

And, he says, being proactive offers distinct advantages. “The fact that we’ve been playing in the space…makes us not as worried about what happens when this data …

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