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Instacart Users ‘Reorder’ Old Carts to See Grocery Price Increase [Video]


Paper receipts are fast becoming a relic of a bygone era at the grocery store, especially as app-based ordering and tracking have gotten more popular.

And while few shoppers would save their old grocery receipts, using apps like Instacart keep your order history for years.

Now, some customers are using those past orders to discover inflation’s highly personal impact on them.

For Crisman White, a 33-year-old escape room designer from Virginia, the price of a basket of groceries from his local Publix nearly doubled since October 2019.

In a video on TikTok, White shared his experience using Instacart’s “reorder items” function, explaining how a $35 order skyrocketed to more than $62 in the past five years.

“I went back to my first Instacart because that was the only thing that I could really track exactly what I purchased,” he told Business Insider.

White said he was motivated to try the feature after another TikTok user postedan outlandish story about their …

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