Online Marketing

How to use video to build credibility for online branding EP#63 with Yana Martens | How to Scale…

How to use video to build credibility for online branding EP#63 with Yana Martens | How to Scale…

Here’s the easiest, quickest, and most effective way to stand out in overcrowded markets! We are joined by an Online Video Confidence coach, video strategist and video coach -Yana Martens.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll hear:
The 2 most common excuses people give for not wanting to get behind the video camera. – 5:00

Den talks about the Gary Vee phenomena. (This may be good for Gary, but for people who get caught up in this phenomenon, it’s nothing but bad news! – 8:10)

Thinking of building your personal brand with video? Then you’ll want to hear Yana’s wise words of advice before you jump behind the camera out and push record. – 9:00

The “10-letter-word” that can make your video content (or any content for that matter) cut through all the noise, have more impact, and send your audience engagement levels through the roof! – 10:20

How your high-falutin and expert status is probably costing you business. – 12:00

The “lonely Englishman” story that contains one of the most powerful marketing lessons you could ever learn. – 13:00

The easiest, quickest, and most effective way to stand out in overcrowded markets. (Not only will doing this garner attention, but it will also show your business’s point of difference, even if your business is the same as everyone else’s in your industry. – 14:00)

Why posting consistently doesn’t amount to a hill of beans if you’re not first doing what Yana mentions at 16:30

Yana’s “taking a selfie” story that highlights a flaw in many small business owner’s thinking. (This type of thinking renders all their communications with clients, prospects and customers ineffective. – 19:00

How Yana uses snakes in business to her advantage. – 22:00

Yana’s 3 ingredients for making irresistible content. (Next time you create some content, include these three elements mentioned at 22:40 and watch what happens.)

A clever way to repurpose your video content. (And no, it’s got nothing to do with putting them on other platforms. – 26:00)

What to do with your chin when recording yourself on video – 31:00

Recording video tips aplenty at 32:00

About Yana Martens
I help business owners to build their credibility online through engaging video content strategy.

Besides my experience on both sides of the camera my psychology degree gives me insights on people’s behaviour in front of the camera and what is most effective when helping people to overcome their insecurities.

I lead my clients through all the stages of video marketing and personal branding from organising content for the particular target audience to getting confident in front of the camera and producing videos just on the mobile phone or finding a suitable production company.

What I’m enjoying the most is understanding people’s behaviour online and helping them to build their personal brand based on their true values and personality.

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” ~ Mark Twain

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