AI vs. Innovation: Who Wins and Who Loses?
AI vs. Innovation: Who Wins and Who Loses?
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How to spot red flags to help stop impulse buying [Video]


Impulse spending is more than buying chocolate at the supermarket register. Understanding how your feelings come into play is important for avoiding financial scammers, stopping late-night online shopping sprees and, yes, resisting temptation while grocery shopping.

Evan Lucas on clever hacks to curb your impulse shopping and save more

Sleep on it’ before making online purchases

Is online shopping becoming part of your bedtime routine? You’re not the only one. Research shows that the later in the day it is, the harder it becomes for us to make good decisions and resist bad ones. “That’s why buying those new trainers or that dress feels like an absolute necessity late at night,” Evan explains. “It’s like we have a daily decision budget – it gets used up over the course of the day.”

He suggests that the next time your thumb is hovering over ‘add to cart’, “sleep on it, recharge your decision batteries and make sure you …

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AI’s Looming Disruption of the Information as a Service Industry – and How to Fight Back
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