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How to Handle Google Ads Bugs and Changes [Video]

Digital Marketing

With more bugs popping up recently and help documentation getting things wrong lately, it can be hard to know what’s what in Google Ads and other platforms we use as digital marketers.

In this blog, I want to share ways you can be successful when an alleged new change comes across your desktop.

Be Active In Your Accounts & Stay Aware

This might sound like a no-brainer, but when spotting issues in an account, your brain is your best tool. Sure, there are scripts, automation tools, and other resources to help you spot problems, but keeping an eye on your account’s performance is the most important thing.

Whenever you make a major change to a campaign, watch closely to make sure it’s performing as you expected. Look at your scheduling, search terms, location, and all other key metrics. 

Keeping an eye on these will help you stay on top of things.

Check If You’re Seeing the Apparent Bug/Change

As I mentioned in the video, I …

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