Digital Marketing

How to get AI to critique your copy & give you pointers on how to improve 💁🏻‍♀️ [Video]

How to get AI to critique your copy & give you pointers on how to improve 💁🏻‍♀️

AI can help you generate quick ideas…⁠

Accelerate the research process…⁠

Brainstorm dozens of hooks in seconds flat…⁠

ANDDDDDD 👉 it can even critique your copy & give you pointers on how to improve it.⁠

Cool right?!⁠

Try out this prompt:⁠

“Pretend you’re a marketing copywriter. Critique the following [ASSET], pointing out what works well and what can be improved for more [GOAL]: [PASTE COPY HERE].”⁠

🤖 Want more prompts like this?⁠

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