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Google Algorithm Updates in 2022 [Video]

Digital Marketing

From core updates to product reviews, the helpful content system to combating spam, Google was a very busy bee in 2022.

In this article we’re going to run down what changed and why, along with how those updates are going to shape SEO in 2023. Let’s dive straight in:

Google updates of 2022 in review

Google is constantly making changes to its algorithm to improve the quality of search results and ensure that users are getting the most relevant and useful information possible. In 2022, Google rolled out several confirmed algorithm updates, each with the potential to impact website rankings and traffic. Here’s a rough summary of what went down:

  • 10 confirmed updates in 2022 (Google makes larger updates and changes which are planned and announced, there are a myriad of smaller updates across the year that are unannounced or ‘unconfirmed’)
  • There were 2 coreupdates (May & Sep) – this is where multiple changes are made to …
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