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Content Workflow: What Marketers Need to Know [Video]

Video Content Marketing

The best content creators make it look easy, but behind every slick YouTube video and delightful blog post is a digital content workflow that might involve a couple people or a couple dozen.

Technology has not yet advanced to the point where marketers can snap their fingers to launch a successful email campaign, YouTube series, or blog.

Until then, content requires extensive planning, team effort, and a consistent content workflow to keep everything and everyone on track.

In this article, we’ll explore what a content workflow is, why your team needs one, and the steps to building the right one for your marketing goals.

Table of Contents

Defining roles, goals, and output is critical to an effective content workflow. You’ll also want to make (and adhere to) a realistic timeline.

Your content workflow may change depending on the type of content or resources available to you. …

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