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Brachycephalic for Life: Clinical Management Strategies [Video]

Online Marketing

BONUS MODULE – BOAS is a Major Health Issue

Most of us are familiar with respiratory disease and heat stress in brachycephalics. But early in life, there are other serious and subclinical health issues. Do you know what to look for?

This introductory module outlines why BOAS should be a major concern for you in GP or referral practice, both in terms of patient welfare and because of the clinical risk they carry. It’s a delicate topic. We introduce how to talk to your clients about BOAS, red flags for the highest risk patients, and how to go about case selection for surgery.

Module 1 – Perioperative Risks

Brachycephalic breeds are head shy, highly strung and highly bonded to their owners. Many brachy dogs experience spontaneous regurgitation, and some pets (and their owners) take stress and separation anxiety to epic levels. This is not an anaesthetic patient to take lightly, and the stakes are highest when you’re the one responsible for surgery and anaesthetic …

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