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Angular team unveils strategy for 2025 [Video]

Website Design

The 2025 strategy document for Google’s Angular web development framework calls for enhancing the developer experience with capabilities such as zoneless change detection and signal-based forms, and making developer adoption of new features easier with schematics.

A blog post on the Angular 2025 strategy was published January 13 by Minko Gechev, product and developer relations lead for Angular at Google. To enhance the developer experience, Gechev called out projects for 2025 such as promoting zoneless to developer preview and prototyping signal-based forms. Zoneless will enable Angular to have more efficient change detection, improved interoperability in spaces such as micro front ends, and improved initial load performance. Signal-based forms aim to address shortcomings in forms such as missing features, scalability, type safety, and unification. Template-driven and reactive forms also will benefit from integration with signals. “We’ll continue supporting the existing forms module, making it interoperate with signal forms, while gradually recommending signal forms as the best …

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