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A Stock Market Crash Is Bad But Nuclear Annihilation Is Far Worse; Jim Rickards Warns “Don’t Put AI In The Kill-Chain” [Video]

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Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,

Seven-time, best-selling financial author Jim Rickards predicted in July 2023 (when gold was trading in the $1,600 range) that the yellow metal would get a big boost. 

He was correct. 

In his new book called “Money GPT: AI and the Threat to the Global Economy,” Rickards lays out the case for AI-caused disasters in everything from finance to nuclear war.  Rickards says,

“About five stocks are upwards of 40% of the entire index. 

Almost all those gains are being driven by AIs:  Nvidia, AMD, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook/Meta and Google.  We all know their names. 

The market is going higher on AI, and nobody wants to say anything negative on AI. 

I have studied this very closely, and there are these huge dangers for investors that they need to be aware of.  Any crash is going to be worse because AI will be accelerating it.

It gets worse with an AI driven world, …

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