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Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job [Video]

Social Media Marketing

They snooze in parking garages, on side streets before the afternoon school run, in nap pods rented by the hour or stretched out in bed while working from home.People who make a habit of sleeping on the job comprise a secret society of sorts within the U.S. labor force. Inspired by famous power nappers Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein, today’s committed nap-takers often sneak in short rest breaks because they think the practice will improve their cognitive performance but still carries a stigma. Video above: How you can actually start to control what you dream aboutMultiple studies have extolled the benefits of napping, such as enhanced memory and focus. A mid-afternoon siesta is the norm in parts of Spain and Italy. In China and Japan, nodding off is encouraged since working to the point of exhaustion is seen as a display of dedication, according to a study in the journal …

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