Build your lead list with verified emails, write and personalize at scale,and send cold emails that actually get customers.
Try lemlist for free
14-day free trial
$110,500,000+ revenue generated
100 free leads included
Free features to avoid spam
3 reasons to choose lemlist over HubSpot Sales Hub
Access 450M+ Potential Buyers in Lead Database
Use lemlist’s AI-powered lead database to find, contact, and convert ideal buyers in 1 place.
Personalize at Scale To Engage Your Leads
Include personalized images, videos, landing pages, and LinkedIn voice messages
Create AI-powered sequences
lemlist will craft and automate your cold outreach process to save you hours of work.
Find buyer-ready prospects & their emails
“Multichannel outreach”, “yes”, “”, “yes”, “”
“B2B Lead Database”, “yes”, “”, “no”, “”
“Email Finder & Lead Verifier”, “yes”, “”, “yes”, “only verifier, finder with integration”
“Chrome extension”, “yes”, “”, “yes”, “”
Engage at scale in a human way
“Free warmup & email booster”, “yes”, “”, “no”, “”
“Custom text”, …