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Sick Toddler? All You Need Is a Can of Soda [Video]

Online Marketing

A mom has shared her inspired trick for getting her 15-month-old daughter to take medicine with little to no fuss.

Every parent would probably agree that giving medicine to an infant is a tricky business. However, moms and dads appear divided on the best method for doing so.

A 2017 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care saw researchers conduct an internet-based qualitative study of posts from online forums where parents discussed how to give children oral medicine. It found three distinct strategies were adopted.

Some used “open administration,” in which medicine was given to the child knowingly through a mix of play or persuasion, while others used “forced administration,” whereby medicine was administered using restraint. Finally, there was “hidden administration,” whereby the medicine was camouflaged in food or given while the child was either asleep or distracted.

Maggie Lim, a 28-year-old mother-of-one working in the special needs education industry in Singapore has her own approach to administering medicine to her …

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