Holding AI to a Double Standard: The Moral Costs of Inaction
Holding AI to a Double Standard: The Moral Costs of Inaction
12 Steps to Create Videos

5 Powerful Video Marketing Strategies & Trends

Video Content Marketing

Over the past few years video content consumption has seen a massive upsurge on an unprecedented scale and it’s not looking like 2019 is going to be any different.

Consumers simply love video content. There’s good reason for that too, video is proven to be more engaging, more memorable & effective. According to WordStream, social video posts generate a staggering 1200% more shares than text & image posts combined.

There’s never been a better time to include video in your marketing strategy.

This Venture article is packed with insights, upcoming trends and clever strategies for 2019 to help you plan for success.

Whatever video you’re planning for the upcoming year, from corporate video and explainer videos, all the way to TV commercials and viral marketing – we want to help you succeed – why not tell us about your project…

1. Know Your Audience – Research & Insights are Key to Success

Consumers are …

The Implications of AI in Digital Marketing
The Implications of AI in Digital Marketing
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads