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12 Self-Promotion Tips to Become Successful at Work [Video]

Have you ever felt like your hard work goes unnoticed at the office? You’re not alone. 

In this article, we’ll explore 12 unique and actionable self-promotion tips that will help you stand out, get noticed, and climb the career ladder—all without coming across as arrogant or self-centered. 

Let’s dive in!

Self-promotion, often referred to as self-marketing or self-advertising, is the act of intentionally highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and value to others in a professional context. 

Some concrete examples of self-promotion include:

You might be wondering, “Is self-promotion really necessary? Shouldn’t my work speak for itself?” While quality work is undoubtedly crucial, the way we’re viewed by others is, too. We’re social beings after all, and those dynamics are especially important in the workplace.

In fact, a large body of research shows that self-promotion can play a significant role in career advancement at all stages, from better hiring rates to more positive performance evaluations. 

Specifically, self-promotion:

Identify Your Proud Traits

First things …

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