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Stanley cups are part of the increase in online shopping scams [Video]


Scammers look for trendy gifts that go viral on social media and they create fake websites.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — What trendy item from last Christmas prompted scammers to make fake ads and websites hoping to get your money? The Stanley Cup of course! Everyone was trying to get their hands on one, specific color, and for cheaper, and of course, the scammers knew it. 

According to the Better Business Bureau scam tracker and online shopping reports. Fraud rose 125% due to trendy items, beauty products, and expensive sneakers. Four out of 10 scams online, of all scams, were online shopping-related

“And here’s my fear. This year, with the economy the way it is, with how we’re feeling about our pocketbooks, scammers, they are just loading up and waiting to shoot out these ads on social media,” said Lechelle Yates, Better Business Bureau. 

The fake ads take you to fake web pages, but the web pages are …

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