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Millennial Mom of 3 Makes One Change to Budget PlanSees Immediate Result [Video]

Online Marketing

A 33-year-old woman’s new way of budgeting her household’s finances has resonated with viewers online.

Allie Martin, a 33-year-old mom-of-three based in Arizona, sparked widespread discussion about household budgeting after sharing her new approach to TikTok on October 25. The short clip, viewed by over 1.2 million TikTok users, features Martin explaining her new savings strategy: limiting her spending to one day a week. “I saw this girl on here who only spends money one day a week, and I think it’s the most genius thing ever, so I’m gonna try it,” Martin said in the video.

“We are trying to tighten up our finances as the economy struggles, and grocery prices are a big part of where our money is going each month,” Martin, who is a stay-at-home mom working on writing a novel, told Newsweek.

She said her TikTok content is a creative outlet that has also become a platform for discussing family …

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