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Loss Aversion – Sticky Marketing Club [Video]

Online Marketing

Have you mislaid some cash or something really important recently? Did you think you had lost it? Do you remember how hard you tried to retrieve it?

That feeling is called ‘Loss Aversion’

In this Vlog, Grant explains how Loss Aversion can help you when selling.

What would you do for £20?

Would you stay behind after work for a couple of hours?

Would you go to a friend’s and help them cook dinner?

Probably not.

And yet consider this… You’re sitting on your couch at home and you put your hand in your pocket – where you know there’s a £20 note – and suddenly it’s not there. You pick up all the cushions, you look under the seat, you even go out to the car and see if it was there.

You’ll expound enormous amounts of energy to try and find the £20 that you’ve now lost. And even when you’ve given up, three days later – somewhere in the back of …

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