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John Deere brings on 9-year-old tractor expert yes, really as chief tractor kid [Video]

Social Media Marketing

Jackson Laux, who describes himself as having “the knowledge of a 68-year-old, but the body of a nine-year-old,” has been named John Deere’s “chief tractor kid.”

TikTok star Laux (@JustAJacksonThing), who posts videos about his love for and knowledge of tractors and farming, will create content for Deere’s social media channels throughout the next year, according to a statement from the brand.

John Deere created a YouTube video to introduce Laux, which includes TikTok influencer Rex Curtiss, who was named as John Deere’s “chief tractor officer” in June.

The video includes social media comments about Laux, with one stating, “This might actually be John Deere himself.” Another person calls Laux “a John Deere Sheldon.”

Curtiss and Laux will create content for the agricultural, construction and forestry equipment manufacturer’s TikTok and Instagram channels that “teaches the importance of agriculture,” a John Deere statement said. 

Laux, who hails from a family of fifth-generation farmers, first went

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