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How EVEREST is Bringing Home Storage “Beautility” to Life [Video]


On episode 470 of Total Retail Talks, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Heidi Hurst, head of product development and marketing at EVEREST, a new home organization and storage brand that elevates the potential of every room with stylish and customizable solutions. Listen in as Hurst describes the brand’s product and its “beautility” vision to offer beauty and utility (0:51), its direct-to-consumer e-commerce and retail channels (4:24), and why a brick-and-mortar presence is essential (5:35). She shares her career history in the retail and brand ecosystem (6:47), and evolving product strategy to meet changing consumer needs (10:15).

In addition, Hurst details her goals for the EVEREST product line to positively impact customers’ lives (15:00), how the brand differentiates itself from competitors in its category (16:55), and its marketing strategy to grow market share (18:15). Lastly, she shares how the brand messages its mission and values through its marketing efforts (20:40), as well as the core components she believes will bring EVEREST …

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