If your business is selling good or services, chances are you are going to have some form of tax obligations. Using the Stripe Tax API, Stripe can calculate the right about of tax that need to be collected for a given transaction. In this short video, Alex and Cecil discuss how tax calculation works within the Stripe Tax API and explore the how to work with the Calculation object.
### Table of contents
00:00 Introduction
01:46 Demo walkthrough
03:20 Setting registrations in the dashboard
09:20 Code walkthrough
11:48 Conclusion
### Resources
Stripe Tax docs – https://docs.stripe.com/tax
Calculating tax docs – https://docs.stripe.com/tax/calculating
Stripe Tax Calculation API reference – https://docs.stripe.com/api/tax/calculations
### Support
If you have a question, please feel free to reach out to our support team at https://support.stripe.com/ or on Discord at https://stripe.com/go/developer-chat
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#stripe #payments #tax #python