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CES for First Time Has Spirit of Lets Build Together: Carats Carrie Drinkwater Beet.TV [Video]

Online Marketing

LAS VEGAS – CES not only serves as a showcase for the products that shoppers may soon see on store shelves or for sale online, but also for advertising agencies to meet with clients, media outlets and other vendors. This year’s gathering had a collaborative spirit as marketing professionals ponder how artificial intelligence is going to change the way they work.

“What I’ve loved about this CES is: what can we do? Where can we take data and tech, and where can we work together to create something new?” Carrie Drinkwater, chief investment officer at Dentsu’s Carat USA, said in this interview at CES 2025 with Lisa Granatstein, editorial director of Beet.TV.

“Everybody’s ready to start new conversations. That’s been a theme,” Drinkwater, who has attended CES 12 times, said. “Maybe it’s the new year, new you, but it’s the first time at CES I felt the excitement of ‘let’s build and create together.’”

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